Several Mid-Continent route cases will be heard by the Civil Aeronautics Board this month and in the coming months. This month, the CAB will hear MCA’s proposal to operate an alternate route between Kansas City and New Orleans, with new service to Springfield, Missouri, Little Rock and El Dorado, Arkansas and Baton Rouge, Louisiana. This case was not heard until March 8, 1948.
The second case, set for February 1948 offers an MCA alternate route between Minneapolis/St. Paul and St. Louis. New flights would operate from Waterloo, Iowa, to St. Louis, via Cedar Rapids and Iowa City, Iowa, Davenport, Iowa/Moline and Rock Island, Illinois, Peoria and Springfield, Illinois.
In other cases, Mid-Continent was denied a proposed route in the Great Lakes Case between St. Louis and Detroit and Cleveland, via several intermediate stops and for a second proposed route between St. Louis and Chicago. In addition, the company was denied its application for a new Memphis to Kansas City route, although the company had been recommended for the route by the CAB Examiner assigned to the case.
However, final decisions are pending before the CAB on a proposed route between Kansas City and St. Louis and a second route between Kansas City and Chicago, both heard in the Mississippi Valley Route Case. The Board will also hear the company’s proposal to begin serving Lincoln, Nebraska, over Route 26, which operates from MSP to New Orleans. MCA wants to make Dallas and Ft. Worth, co-terminals on the route.
On Mid-Continent’s Northern Route System, the company has proposed extension service from Minot, North Dakota, to Regina, Saskatoon, Canada. However, the CAB has deferred this case temporarily.
Photo: The plaque from the entrance door to Mid-Continents Communications Department at the Kansas City Municipal Airport headquarters building. The plaque is made from thick aluminum. Copyright, Braniff Airways, Incorporated