Why Braniff International
The opportunity to alter or redirect a corporate name to better meet a changing market situation and a revised corporate ambition is very rare. To do so without losing any portion of the equity already established in the original name is rarer still.
Today, Braniff takes advantage of just such an unusual opportunity. Braniff announces its intention to redirect and direct all of its energies, equipment, know-how and organization toward creating an exciting new dimension in airline transportation, marketing, retail sales, licensing and branding and hotel accommodation. To do this successfully every positive factor that can be put to work behind this corporate stance must be activated.
One of the most immediate indications of a new personality can come from the corporate name. The symbol of a corporation’s personality must be made to work and work hard. The components of the current corporate title BRANIFF is the word that carries an equity of previous associations – to some not so pleasant, but to many many more it is an unknown quantity that can be shaped and formed to meet our corporate ambitions.
The second hard working word is INTERNATIONAL. This word defines for the consumer our area of service and interest. It is big, it is ambitious and appeals strongly to our customers and guests.
The third word AIRWAYS is a soft descriptive word, quite out of date in the current transportation and travel scene and should be deleted.
BRANIFF INTERNATIONAL…..two strong words standing side by side equal in size. Clearly and explicitly they establish a strong point of view.
Add to BRANIFF INTERNATIONAL…..Mainland USA Mexico Hawaii South America Great Britain Europe Asia Pacific and The Far East…..
destinations that we proudly served by air and continue to serve today through retail sales, licensing and branding and hotel accommodation.
We introduce
A powerful corporate name big enough to match our intentions, big enough to symbolize for every prospective Braniff customer and guest great size, great experience…..safety and comfort.